Swimathon for Sam Griffiths #SuperSam


The Overtones initiated a Swimathon on April, 23.2015, in which Caroline Wellock (TO Managment) and #SuperSam also took part, to help raise money for Sam Griffiths to make his dream come true to participate in the World Transplant Games  in Argentina.

10 lucky Facebook competiton winners, that made a pledge on The Overtones Crowdfunding page #Swim4Sam, were invited to the event.

The Boys managed to raise £572 so far of their £1000 goal.  You can still make a pledge until April, 30,2015: Swim4Sam

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The Boys swam 2000 metres during their swimathon.

Thank you to Deanne Kidd for sharing her photos with us!

You can find more photos of the event in our gallery and on our  Facebook page .

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