Exclusive Anniversay Giveaway!
ATTENTION! Edit 01.04.16 – 10.30pm: We will have to restart our giveaway due to technical difficulties. Please re-enter to qualify for a prize! Visit our Spotify profile if you need help answering the first...
ATTENTION! Edit 01.04.16 – 10.30pm: We will have to restart our giveaway due to technical difficulties. Please re-enter to qualify for a prize! Visit our Spotify profile if you need help answering the first...
Liebe Toner, unser vierjähriges Website Jubiläum steht kurz bevor und wir möchten gerne, dass ihr daran teilhabt! Erzählt uns eure Geschichte wann und wie ihr das erste Mal von The Overtones gehört habt und...
Dear #Toners, we will celebrate our 4 year website anniversary soon and would love for you to take part of it. Tell us your story about how and when you heard of The Overtones...
Vielen Dank für ein fantastisches Jahr 2014!! Wir wünschen euch einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und freuen uns auf ganz viel Spaß in 2015! Euer “The Overtones Germany Admin” Team Melanie & Claudia...
We are happy to announce that The Overtones 4th album “Sweet Soul Music” will be released on February 9th,2014111 You may now preorder it here: The Overtones Here is what the boys posted on...